Good Friday–On the Streets

Good Friday–On the Streets

Praise to our Jesus. While our home church was having an excellent Good Friday service last Friday, I felt the nudge of God’s Spirit to go and do a “Good Friday service” at the Lightrail. Didn’t feel like it, didn’t have goose bumps about it, would have rather stayed safe…, but I obeyed and went. I came home clicking my heels!!! I had six or seven men around me really listening to the gospel. I even (get this) opened my mouth and sang to them–Softly and Tenderly, Jesus is Calling (talk about out of the comfort zone!). Then I laid my hand on one of the men’s shoulders (one who was really listening) and prayed for him. While I was praying, another guy almost came running to us, wanting to be “in on the prayer.” It was precious. This man was pitifully desperate. Thirty-four years old, life messed up, looking for hope. He heard hope in the gospel and in the love of Jesus. Tears were coming down his face. Oh, how my heart went out to him. I am hoping he will call me. Please pray for John. It was just another reminder to me of how many are in the valley of decision, heading blindfolded to the cliff where they will plunge to their destruction.

May God give us the heart, the compassion, the boldness to get out there and call them “home.”