Cultivating Boldness for the Gospel

My family and I have the privilege of training and equipping lots of people in sharing their faith. What a joy it is! One of the common hindrances people face is a lack of BOLDNESS. When you think of your own witnessing, does that shoe seem to fit? How can we foster boldness to preach the gospel. One sure way to grow in boldness is to draw closer to Jesus Himself. In His presence is fullness of joy and at His right hand are pleasures for evermore! Are you experiencing that joy and those pleasures? Oh, the riches, the treasures that He has for those who draw near. And, when we do, oh how our desire to make Him known to others increases!

Consider these words from a famous lady whose name you will recognize:

Those who relied upon the Lord spoke with great boldness, with great courage. We’re always going to be timid and shy and fearful when we try and give the gospel in our own effort and energy. But when we’re plugged into the Holy Spirit and His passion for souls begins coursing through our spiritual veins, wild horses will not be able to stop you from sharing. So the key is to get closer to Jesus, fall in love with Him, become intimate with Him. And when you do so, you’ll have His heart for the lost, not your heart. Your heart can tend to get shy and fearful and cold and timid, but never the heart of God—Joni Erickson