Are We All Evangelists…Really? (Pt. 1)

Are We All Evangelists…Really? (Pt. 1)

Sometimes I encounter those who have the ultimate excuse for not regularly sharing their faith. It goes something like this . . . “When Jesus said to go into all the world and make disciples of all nations, He was speaking directly to the apostles. So, it doesn’t really apply to us…”

What? Could you repeat that so I can understand your logic? Does that mean that everything spoken by Jesus in the gospels directly to the apostles does not apply to us? Really? Think about it.

Consider these words by JI Packer in his great book, EVANGELISM AND THE SOVEREIGNTY OF GOD:

“Christ’s command . . . was spoken to them [the apostles] in their representative capacity; this is Christ’s command , not merely to the apostles, but to the whole Church. Evangelism is the inalienable responsibility of every Christian community, and every Christian person.”

In the next blog, we will look at Packer’s further thoughts on this. Stay tuned . . .