I hear dear, precious Christians object, from time to time, about the use of the law when proclaiming the gospel. This is sad, because it shows deficiency in understanding the Scriptures. Consider Galatians 3:24…”Therefore the law is our tutor to bring us to Christ, that we might be justified by faith.

We go proclaiming these joyful tidings, to a dark and sinful world. Would you like to know one amazing discovery we have made? The vast majority do not know they need good news, because they do not understand the bad news–that their sin has placed them under the wrath of God. Therefore, we–if we are to be truly loving–must make sure they understand reality, before we give them the good news. How? THE LAW! Take a close look at these words by Martyn Lloyd Jones:

“I do not want to be unfair, but I say that a gospel which merely says, ‘Come to Jesus,’ and offers Him as a Friend, and offers a marvelous new life, without convicting of sin, is not New Testament evangelism. The essence of evangelism is to start by preaching the Law; and it is because the Law has not been preached that we have had so much superficial evangelism. True evangelism…must always start by preaching the Law.”