What Are Right Motives For Evangelizing (part 2)

This does not take a nuclear physicist to understand.  God tells us to love our neighbor as ourselves.  I thank God that Sue Ramage, in March of 1973, cared about the heathen guy named Chris Peeler.  They both were seniors at West York High School in York, PA.  Her genuine care resulted in her witness to me, which (along with other factors) ended in my conversion.

Do we love our neighbors?  Apostle Paul says, “As we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone.” (Gal. 6:10)

Consider these words:  “What greater good can we do to any man than to set before him the knowledge  of Christ?  Insofar as we really love our neighbor as ourselves, we shall of necessity want him to enjoy the salvation which is so precious to us . . . The impulse to evangelize should spring up spontaneously  in us as we see our neighbor’s need of Christ.”  (Packer)

Dear one, please don’t wait around for magic love and compassion dust to settle on you!  It’s really not complicated!  If you saw a little child fall off his bike and hurt himself, you would run to him to do him good!  How much more when you see your unsaved friend or neighbor who hangs on the abyss of eternity, with certain doom ahead of him? Go and do him good!