Come Join Us!!

Consider this blog post an invitation to get into the action! What action? The fight for the souls of men and women and children. These few paragraphs are a summary of some exciting times we have had recently and a yearning for God to use us in...

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Prayer and Evangelism

Have you considered the power of prayer lately? Does God really hear? Does God really respond when we pray? Oh, how we need to believe what God clearly states in His Word. I love John Piper’s words about James 4:2(b)–“you have...

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Overflowing Joy!

I love this little story by John Piper. “A few days ago I called my eighty-five-year-old father and said, “Daddy, I am writing a book on how to fight for joy. What one thing comes to your mind from sixty years of ministry as to what Christians...

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Proactive Fishing

Our friend, Mary Bruns, came across this wonderful illustration about fishing for the souls of men. Take a few minutes to ponder just how true it is. . . Jesus often used practical, real-life examples to illustrate spiritual truths. In Matthew...

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